my friends yall

hello! im back with the rants!

so today we had our math paper. it was quite hard, setted by a teacher we're not familiar with. he's quite unpopular with the class, since he came late for relief teaching for 30 minutes. so we all dont really like him.

well, the paper was quite hard. i had around 4 questions i didn't know how to do, but in the end got through it anyways. can't leave any blanks, yknow?

so after it ended, we all came out of class and my friends started to scold the teacher with profanities and stuff. 

cmon,,,, guys!!!! it's not the teacher's fault yall are unable to solve it!! at our age, do you think they will give us easy questions? we're gonna take the nationals soon, we cant afford to back down with easy questions!

even though they claim they studied "real hard", but have they really gone in-depth and check through everything they are unsure of? 

and one very stupid thing, when we get our results back, i get good marks and they get bad marks and they alwAys curse at me like ???? and whenever i try to comfort them they ask me to go away like ?????? excuse me ????????? like i caused them to have bad grades cmon guys

anyway i know they dont mean it, however its always so triggering to hear these from them. i wont mind if they get good marks and still cry, thats because everyone has their own expectations to meet. and when people curse at them for crying cuz they want better, then thats effed up, man. imagine having an abusive family that wont accept 99 and beats you up. 

kk i shall stop, my rants are getting messier.


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Nah~ your rants aren’t messy like mine lmao
And that’s really messed up for them to curse at you. Like..what did you do so wrong??? Is working hard and studying efficiently bad? Bruh. I don’t really know much about the situation, but seriously that’s rude of them to do that to you.