Another blog

I decided not to call it a daily blog since I don't blog everyday and I have not been on for 4 days so I will just explain what happend over the course of those days. So on friday I went to my dads  house and spent the weekend there. On saturday I played with my brother and went to the park and visited the high school I will be going to next year. On sunday I just chilled out and relaxed. And today me and my sister went to go see baby chicks and got to hold them it took my sister to pick up 1 chicken like 10 minutes while it took me 3 seconds thats why people call me the animal wisperer. I also found out I have a new hobby/talent photography I am actually really good at it. And one last thing I just want to say a quick update on my stories I am gong to start writing again and I have not been writing for a while because I have had no insperation and now I do so I am going to start writing again. Thats it for this blog take car goodbye.


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