9 Years From Now (passed on by my friends)

In 9 years, I'll be 23 years old. I'll be done with my university courses (hopefully), and I'll probably be a graduate looking for a job and a place to live or something. I don't know if you guys would plan on getting married at this age, but I'd save it for later. When I'm 23, I'd like to focus on keeping myself healthy and happy, while earning enough to live and survive. Nonetheless, my health and state of mind would be my main focus. Other than that, I'd still like to make enough time to visit my family, hang out with my friends, and even stay up to date with my friends online. I hope I won't lose you all by then, because I love my time here. Oh, and one more thing, I won't be writing stories at the age of 23, that's for sure. I want to become a biomedical engineer, so I'll be quite busy with life. Anyways, that's probably all I can say regarding the whole '9-years-from-now' challenge. ^-^


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Aww you sweet sweet sugar
Biomedical engineer WOW
u smol bean thats a beautiful aim. ♡
I bet 23 you will be the same dork with weird pocket <3 huhuhu
Yes keep up with your fam on everywhere that's the important part ♡ Goodluck
In 9 years from now, I will be 32. I will hopefully be done with uni as well and be a licenced nurse. I hope that after my surgery this year, my life style will be improved. I will hopefully have moved over seas and married. I want to have at least 3-5 kids by then and be a stay at home mum. I will be working hard and trying to explore the country I’ve moved to. I will hopefully speak, read and write the local language like a pro. I am terrible with keeping up with friends and family, maybe by then I will be better at that, if not, I probably won’t have many, just kids around and my husband lol. By then, I don’t think my grandma will still be alive because of her bad heart, which is sad, but I hope she will meet her great grand kids. I don’t know if I will still be writing, but I hope that most of my stories are complete.
Oh god should I do this