What Will Be Haeju's Wand?

In Harry Potter, it's known that the wand chooses its wizard/witch. But how about we can choose one for Haeju? Which wand will suit her the most?

WOOD: Between the ELDER (special destiny, chosen one), HAWTHORN (hesitant, good in curses), HORNBEAM (passionate, respectful), PINE (loner, mysterious), or WILLOW (insecure, healing). Strongly on Hawthorn because I think Haeju will probably be good at curses. The second choice will be Willow, but I think Haeju is more destined to hurt people than curing them (but still be praised and liked regardless).

CORES: Definitely not UNICORN core. PHOENIX is kind of representative for Haeju's individuality, but I think Haeju also fits the same core with my wand, which is DRAGON core.

LENGHT: Quite long, 12,75 inches, as Haeju is arguably the tallest member in Twice. Haeju is a passively shining person, she's witty and gorgeous. But I think mostly doesn't try to be intimidating although not so down to earth either.

FLEXIBILITY: Quite bendy? Not too flexible but definitely not the rigid one. Haeju really loves her family and Twice. She's loyal to them but strongly affected by them. Haeju is where she is or with whom she is. Not a betrayal... But not the boldest person. Although she's still proud of herself well.

So for me, Haeju's wand will be Hawthorn wood with a dragon heartstring core 12.75" and quite bendy.

What do you think? What kind of wand do you think matches Haeju the most? Please share your thoughts to us, thanks~ <3


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