Statement about BB Seungri`s scandal

Hello to you all,


I was rather inactive here due to my hectic schedule, so i am sorry if I disappoint any of my readers.

Right now, I am working on my very new book, which is not fanfiction based so it takes a lot of time from me. I am still having some ideas for a great fanfiction but right now I need to share some thoughts from my heart.


Since I am author and since here I posted bb fanfictions only, i saw a lot of bad feedback about everything related to Seungri, and Bigbang too.

My opinion is, that if he is guilty, he should be in jail, because all grown man has to face the consequences of his acts. I feel disappointed and sorry for him too, since his life, and life of his loved ones are officially destroyed now.

But however, I hope that fans and readers would not hate fanfiction works related to them, since it’s just a fiction and we, authors, kind of borrow their names and some of their characteristic to make stories richer with details.

So please don’t boycott bb fanfiction stories from me and from other authors as well.


Since I worked so hard on these stories, I posted long time ago, I will not delete it. I don’t feel the urge to erase the fact that once I was a fan of the best kpop band in the world. Am I disappointed? Hell, I am! Do i want to delete all evidences that I liked them? No way.

People will disappoint. Will hurt. Will make you a fool but it doesn’t speak a lot about you, it speaks about them. Don’t be ashamed that you once loved a Seungri, they all has their personal life we cannot see and affect to. Be disappointed in what he become now.

So please do not use pressure on me and on to other authors to delete stories...if you seriously really hate mentioning his name, try to imagine someone else’s name.


Also, one of my stories needs alternate end. I know that happy ends are great but life doesn’t work that way. So I will satisfy the other part of people who wanted real life sad end.


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Thank you for all your stories.
They are beautiful, they gave me a lot of joy.

It is a pity that you no longer have the strength to write, because now I have a strong need to return to the times when BigBang WAS OT5.
When they were young, innocent boys and created great music and entertainment fanmeeting and various programs.

That's why I read many fanficks now, to forget that the BB we remember will not come back...

I would like for them, for Seungri, VIPs for us - a good ending both in ff and in real life
thanks for support. i hope i did not offend anyone here.
i agree with your blog post.
we never know how people turn out in the future and can only accept them as they are in the present. there was no way we could have known seungri was going to be involved in this scandal and those who admired him the past are not at fault. we saw the things that he allowed us to see, we never could have known how these idols behave behind the cameras, behind the stages.
Excuse me??? I understood bad?!
Are you seriously saying that someone cames to you saying you should delete your stories???????
You should just block those walking s! They pass all day spamming bulls about Seungri while he is completely innocent and he even asked for the lie detector!
They just want ruin him,and the only thing they should ask is the number of a good analyst!
those ty toxics!
This is a good blog post about the whole situation.
Like don't be ashamed of who you liked in the past but instead of what they turned into.
I didn't know how to write this out over the past few days but now that I read it here, it fits it perfect.