More thoughts on Seungri and the followup scandals

hello there,

i said after my last blog that i would not talk about this any further.


1. it caused a misunderstanding. 

2. just keeps piling up and this scandal keeps getting bigger and bigger and now EVERYONE is being dragged into it

to clarify #1, i do not condone the treatment of celebrities and idols as superior to the rest of us. you do the crime you do the time, regardless. this issue is shedding so much light on the corruption and abuse of one's own power and that some laws need to be adjust or put in place to protect humans and women in particular. no one deserves to be treated/exposed/abused like that. some punishments do not fit certain crimes, which makes it ok for some immoral people to pay the fine and maybe do the same crime again.

as for #2, this chatroom and those exchanged videos are simply disgusting. no matter who is in that group. those people need to be punished. the apology of JJY seems fake to me, you already did the same in 2015 and got punished for it, why do it again? unless you have some kind of superiority complex.

now everyone who breathes in S. Korea is either in that group or had a video shared in that group. people need to refrain from throwing names just like that. these are humans with lives, a rumor like that ruins a reputation. 

why expose the names of victims? what good would that bring? everyone is focusing on the wrong target. instead of guessing who had a video shared or who was violated in the club, focus on who shared the video and who took advantage of drugged girls. and make sure they get properly punished for it and not just slapped on the wrist.

a crime must be punished, victims must be treated properly. 

i just hope that by the end of this mess, something good will come out and not just they get punished and lets forget about making a change. i sincerly hope this doesnt get sweeped under a rug when everyone is exposed and punished.

now excuse my rambling, i just had to share some of my thoughts. i hope this doesnt cause much understanding. my purpose is not to offend anyone



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I agree with you. And it was truly great of you to make this blog. Let's hope this sheds more light on all those who were not aware of the situation.

Lets pray the victims get the justice and support!