is my friend toxic or nah??

please can u give me advice about this or share something if u have something like this going on in your life T-T



So there's this friend (i would not consider her my bff or some ) but she's my closest friend and i would not even want anything bad happening to her... but u know many things happened and our relationship seems to be drifting away she could sense that i could sense that too. 

tbhI'm considered as quite a popular girl and an easy going type who have a lot of achievements.She has always admitted that she grew jealous of me and if i have some achievements in life she would not want to talk to me or be mad at me or if i do better than her on academics. 

She had admitted that she wants to hurt me or do something to bad to me.

She had always been competitive. She would be mad about having more friends and admirers than her. She always tries to be the center of attention (atleast more than me)If i wanna lose weight she would  too. And in certain events if i wore skirts she would too even if her first plan was to wear pants. 

Myother friends said that she's a copycat but i didn't want to believe it but I'm more convinced as time goes by.

She hates it when i say that i have a good time with others. i swear that one time she said " You always say it is fun when u get together with other people but the other people didn't say so (say that it is fun at all)" accusing me as if i was boasting about such things when i didn't at all. lmao such a hypocrite, 

sheis the OnE who overboast about something when she have some events in life. She would always say "this girl called me pretty this and that" but in reality no one did. 

AND she always tried to make me insecure about herself when someone compliments me about my looks infront of her face she would always follow it with a backfiring compliment and would laugh sarcastically. i act like i didn't notice all of that but damn girl u just crossed the line.

like once my crush told me im pretty and i innocently told her about the good news she said "See how fun it is to have that compliment from your crush" like she owns that SIS your crush don't even know u exist.

she be acting like everything should go in her way and she'll bbe better at everythingShe doesn't like it when I'm close to a person that she's friends with. She said that she doesn't want me to be close with another person becase she's jealous of that particular person but in reality it looks as if she's jealous that I'm close with any people that she likes to associate with her and doesn't want me to be close with another person.

when in fact she would always try to be close with my crush and flirts with him so that he would like her and not me.


like for example she threw a bday party for a friend of ours and I wasn't invited and she didn't want to tell me about the party (i was fine with it bc i have to concentrate on my studies as it was our exams even if i knew already about it) because she wants something to boasts about  but i went to give a present to a close friend of mine who actually had the same birthday and we managed to saw each other and she was all like "this birthday girl here is going to treat me food"and i was like yeah i actually came out because it was my friend's bday" and she became mad for like a week just because her plan failed.

Didn't she know that i have seen her glaring at me when I'm invited to every party she wants to semd without me? I have EYES and im not stupid. She would eye me from head to toe judgingly when i get compliments from my figure and not her. She would take all my books away so i cannot study during our examination so that i lost marks which is literally what she said to me.

i swear her favourite thing to do is to make me go down. But after everything she would cry to me oike everything is my fault and also says that she feel left out in the most hateful manner. 

i don't know if humans can go so low like this and i would never have imagined her to have a mind like that it's strange for me i was so oblivius of the situation and like when everything is revealed it was a shock for me idk how much of a stupid i can be.

She would say indirectly to me "" I hate that I'm so cowardly to lose a person even though i woukd like to break off my friendship with her" to me when i know exactly she was talking about me. i know she hates herself and is afraid to let me go cuz if she let me go she won't be that popular as she is now (*cough *cough the attention she has now ) and will lose all our friends bc she finds them bc of me. And everbody knows and even SHE knows that if she fights with me almost everybody will turn against her.


She had aalwaysaccusedme of hurting her when im just  sitting on the class sdoimg nothing but  reading books. u know what? hoe i can't have all my attention on you because i do have a life of mine. even if you're not invited in some occasions that i go is it my fault that you're not INVITed?? ofc i will invite u if it was my party or some ?? like???



her: YoU're HUrTinng ME

  yea at the end i always get the tea u spilled again from our friends SIS. She LITERALLY asked our friend if i have an evil plan to make her jealous.NO SIS not everyone thinks like you do.

sorry i know I'm just talking BC I'm shocked to find out the true nature of the girl i considered as my closest friend it is Sad -_-

but at the end tho i love it when we're being goofy and laugh together. I'm sad to let this relationship sink. but if she was toxic then like BYe Bye


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Sorry but this is a very toxic friendship
This kind of controlling and manipulative behaviour is something that you really don’t need in life