what the readers of my fics didn't know (pt.1)

and i'm going to tell.


sometimes, an anecdote of family or friendship or just life in general makes its way to the fics that i write.

it is funny when i reread the fics.

and just earlier i felt the need to read "the way pisces wish" and i laughed as i remembered something.

here is the scene...


Sunggyu was a senior from his high school and became an older brother since then. The discovery of Myungsoo sharing the same birthday with me wasn't the first time for me to tell the cave concept of how a baby born in March was called May.


I met him when I was twenty two which made him twenty four but he had the audacity to talk like a teenager version of him. A joke, I assumed it was. But from the conversation, I figured out who was the ert in Myungsoo's high school gang.


"So, I guess the do was around June or July unlike my prior assumption which was September?" Sunggyu had mentioned which Myungsoo hurriedly responded, "isn't it a silent agreement that we never include parents in this kind of talk? Besides, she wouldn't check when her parents did the do unlike your curious head, Hyung."


Without them noticing, I motioned my fingers under the table to count. And I laughed as I could almost agree to Sunggyu's assumption. When they turned to see me, I set a cool demeanor and said it once more that my Mother was born in May.


"And her Sister is June because their Father was born in June. That's what the Shins forced me to believe." I didn't kick Myungsoo's foot for saying that. Truth be told, he was the excited one to share the knowledge he attained since we were so young while I was getting bored with it.


"So, what if your parents decided to make the baby number three?" I was always aware with the blunder. And Myungsoo could only chuckle as he let me answer the question.


"That's gonna be a long discussion." And we laughed. That was how I started a friendship with Sunggyu in his parents' bakery. It felt like yesterday.


that scene loosely based on my convo with friends from work...you know there will always be someone like sunggyu in that fic lol

when boss wasn't around, we talked just bout randoms things and i remember someone said to me, "no. you don't include parents in this topic"

oh man i miss those old days.


also people were curious with the meaning of my name. all the time. no. my name is not May...(she is just an oc who appears in five of my fics lol)  people are often mistaken my name. they might think i am a male ヽ(´ー`)┌

or they will think that i was born around a certain day in a year. but no...my father is just creative like that lol he would pick some words and give them meaning

\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/

that is how real life is creeping in a fic.

i have written fics for 5 years now lol and each of it has a piece of me. lol

my readers just didn't know which parts.

i might spill more (although nobody wants it lol)







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It's true. You can write something about your life in your stories, but your readers never know which part of it.

Have a great day!
Hugs ^^,