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I loved a particular story so much, especially the ending, which authornim has just completed the story last month, after a 2 year hiatus. I was so sure I'll visit that story and read it over and over again. I expressed how happy I was with the ending and commented on dear authornim's effort on a nice wrap up to her story. The ending was just so perfect it lingered in my's undescribable. Shortly, after marking complete, unfortunately, the author deactivated. 

I don't know why people deactivate their account but should I one day stop writing here, I'd just leave my account active. Who knows, someone might really like your story enough to want to read it over and over again.  You have more fans than you imagine....>smiles<.


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god I hate it so much, this phrase makes me go crazy and I really hope authors will stop that, I mean they can stop visiting the site and leave it open for others to enjoy and appreciate their work....
I‘m glad you haven‘t deactivated your acc and hope you won‘t ever.... your fans got your back :)
woobabyyes #2
ikr....i came across that more than a hundred time and bury my face in the pillow bawling my eyes out , wondering how to locate the authornims cos most of them use pseudonyms it's impossible to get in touch with them
Hajimesan #3
i knoe tat feeling sux big time, rite?
& i'm glad that you didn't give in to the cyber harrasser too.
Why can't authornims just leave their account open for us, \\that i don't understand too.
they have nothing to lose but we suffer plenty of heartbreaks...huhuhu...missing their lovely stories ~Fanboynim
cottonpunch #4
of course we know you hardly blog, authornim....but your blogs are always so thought provoking and interesting, nothing like senseless ranting. I'm glad you dind't deactivate because of that nuisance...keep writing authornim...