Jihan? Jihan (and one of them is a very blonde kind)


or when Kiki still hasn't got herself a drawing tablet tho it's been in her to-do list for more than a year and takes her habit of procrastinating to a whole new level


the idea for whatever it's supposed to be called is spurred on by nothing but their teaser pictures for their latest comeback and before Rue can lol @ me, yES JOSHUA IS ALMOST MY BIAS until Gyu came in like a wreeeecking ball with his tol figure and long limbs, breaking everything that got in their way just the way he's always been :')

also i really miss playing around with pen tool, which is obvious in one of my most recent posters below:


but more importantly, it's bcs of the qutest blonde Jihan shipper ever and this one is for nobody but her, hence a LQ one to share here bcs the HQ one (the one that made my RAM have to bear all the pain from the torture for days lol) is reserved only for her uwu

brace yourself



blonde Jihan, indeed


(and as a kitty-obsessed human, i just couldnt help myself bcs Joshua has always looked like a kitty in my eyes, esp the black one so imagine him as the most beautiful, graceful black cat just like the kind that's often in fantasy stories ; u ; sooooo yellow-eyed Joshua plz dont sue me)


and since the fever is gone already, yay to procrastinate more get back to work <3



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how can u choose such beautiful colours? uwu
ooooh I love the colors!! it's gorgeous!! (I swear you have such a good eye for colors!!)
I wish I could see it in hq but lq is okay too I can still admire it ;;;
I love your stuff ugh <3