another rabbit hole...?

Lol so I totally haven't been keeping up to my priorities lately (way to go yeon) but ugh somehow my brain has a really good strategy in getting me to do things I sHOULDNTTTTT be doing ;;;;;
Like............. procastinating on work & requests & for.................. tHIS.
Well lo and behold, I've fallen down another rabbit hole (aye what's new, but who's counting).
I promise I'm gna get on with the 91348491 list of things I have on my schedule after this huhu but yay for inspiration (and a new ship, bless my soul).
Yeah this is what happens when you tell yourself you're never stanning a new group where 70% of the members are younger than you but then again, the heart wants what it wants :")
Goodnight ;u;


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omg I love Selena Gomez too hmpfff (/ ° 3°)/