looking for friends

hi! i'm gonna make this short and simple. im looking for some friends to spoil some love and banter with. my platform is only line, kik & twitter for now since it's pretty empty and lonely there. i dont have any gender preference because this is strictly platonic and friendship only so everyone is welcome.

a little about me:

  • i think im pretty easy to get along with? i dont give dry replies
  • im up and kicking most of the time bcs sleep is for the weak!
  • im also on a christmas break so my replies are quite fast.
  • im into everything yo, like even if im uneducated or have no interest in what you are interested currently, if you tell me about it then 70% chance i'll watch/read/listen to it for you.
  • i love love LOVE animals. like even if im scared of them im still into them. i would kill myself for animals. 
  • girls. girls. girls. what can i say, girls are cute.
  • i can be your #1 hypewoman. no joke. 
  • rabbit dates? im down. plato? let me beat your . pubg? let's go pew pew some es. im up for anything really and im free most of the time.
  • i can plot too if you're into that but you'll get slower replies. i dont wanna give a half- reply ya know? and i only do normal AUs? like none of those HP, fantasy or any other stuff. my brain hurts with those. sorry im dumb.

if you have read up until this point and is interested, pls pm me your id and i'll leave you a message <3


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yeolismyfruitbowl #1
my line is blueslushies so hmu if this is still open?
This is cute! Do you RP any other places than LINE?