My ffs being uploaded/plagiarized without my permission

This is the second time it has happened to me, which I understand it’s not as bad as other people but it is equally upsetting. I was close to deactivating my account because of the issue, but I won’t let them win. However, all of my stories will be drafted/unlisted until further notice. I’m not going to write for a couple of months either. The situation has me extremely agitated and depressed. Do not ask for PDFs. This is the only statement I’m doing regarding this. 

Thank you. 


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turyka #1
DE NUEVO??? Who wouldn't be mad... I'm mad, it's not fair , fanfics writers don't receive anything but the love of readers.. and it's upsetting how ppl take advantage of you..
There should be a list of plagiarists so when they do it again we can tell the real authors, or guide the ppl to read the real links..
Don't stress to much.. Happy Holidays (^^)v
Gonna wait for you. This is so upsetting.
Gosh! I'm upset to knowing those irresponsible people exist. Aigooo...I understand your feeling towards this issues author-nim... And gonna wait for you...don' cha worry! Imma your big fans!
Ánimo, sabes que yo ( y todos) esperaremos!! No dejes que te roben la confianza y el amor que tienes por escribir!! Aunque supongo que es precisamente por eso que duele y enoja más u.u así que toma tu tiempo y ya verás que pronto encontramos como partirle su mandarina en gajos a esos jijos!!! Ánimo señorita!! Un abrazo!! \(*^*)/
I'm sorry to hear that they did that to you >.< take your time so you can feel better. Not going to lie though, I will be sad until you feel better because I was reading Oxymoron and I needed to catch up on Tides Waltz but how you feel is more important than how I feel!
phinea2009 #6
Ugh ... what absolute morons they are. Take care of yourself in the meantime.
I'm heartbroken. I was waiting both Remains of Eden and Tide Waltz to be completed to start reading them. I was goind to start Tide Waltz tonigth...
But I get your point and I'm kinda pissed on your behalf, because you let it shown how much you had been enjoying writing these fics.
I understand you feel protective towards your stories, with your defender high right now, but I así you to PLEASE, never delete/deactivate your stories forever! I don't know what you, fic writers, might think, but there are stories too precious for some readers, and to have one of your favourite stories deleted hurts for real.
One of my top 5 fics was deleted and I round it out because I was craving so much to read it again, and I couldn't, and well... It's been almost 2 years and it still hurts. Althought I understand your anger, I beg you to not punish us forever! It also comes from someone who never finished reading Oxymoron properly ( I did a speed reading, but didn't actually savoured the words, uknow what I mean?) because if I do, it will be finished for good, and I don't want it lol
I wished we readers could do more than simply krave comments in situations like these, but once we can't, I just wish you a good weekend and that ies like these copycsts are exposed and get the they deserve for stealing other works. :(
Xxx and never leave, PLEASE! :(