Excited for myself only

have you ever feel that only you, yourself is excited for your work???

Well I feel like that...sometimes when they drop me Private Message and tell they want me to update my stories, i become very excited. 

I stay up late to finish my stories, I search for ideas high and low. I push myself to write and finish a chapter soonest possible.

But, when I upload a new chapter suddenly.... all seems quite. 

No response. Seems like no one is reading my story. 

I feel like I am excited alone. No one is excited to read my stories.

I can't explain how I feel. 

So what is the purpose they leave me a message asking for update???

To mock me?? For fun???


I don't know.

Should I continue writing??? or Not??? 

Maybe I should just stay as readers. Being a reader is less frustration

As a reader, I never failed to leave comments to the writer. To show appreciation for their works

Probably, not everyone thinking like me.

Maybe I should just write my stories and keep it to my self alone.

Let me be my own writer and my only reader.




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I feel that way too :(
I can relate