Debut in New York!

Love it

Finally, the full song is out xD Here it is guys. Truthfully though, I was expecting more but I still like it ><

Does that make me a bad person/fan? It doesn't right? I mean they just debuted so I shouldn't expect too much from them right? Don't get me wrong, the vocals are heavenly and the rapping is icawesome but I was expecting them to do it differently..

Argh, I feel so confused OTL!!


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jeniscool100 #1
This song is seriously one of the best songs I've heard all year! <br />
They're soooo goood! <br />
I was expecting them to go in a different direction, but I am completely content with the style of this song.(: <br />
And noooo, you aren't a bad person/fan for expecting more! I did too, it's okay! :] <33333