just a random came up in my mind

I stan more girl groups than boy groups (actually I only stan 3 bgs, but I'm not sure with the other one. So let it be 2 of them. I stan VIXX & Nu'Est, the unsure one is Monsta X) but I don't read my favorite boy group's fanfics, I just don't feel like it (?) I tried reading few of them, you can actually count how many I've read with only one hand (yes, within 5 fingers). One was a VIXX fanfic, a Taekwoon fic to be specific but idk, I just don't. Plus, I have not tried reading Nu'Est fics. Aghhhh. I only read my favorite gxg ships and I have so much love for them to the point that I can not sleep just to read. So weeeiiird.

I mean, I love my boys but I just don't get as much feels in reading their fics as reading fics of my favorite gxg ships.


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