Oh God.. I'm losing my mind every single day with random,  unidentified creeps stalking me on all possible aspects and DMing me about it. 

What is your goddamn intention about this? Go yourself.

This is not normal. This is creepy. This is uncomfortable. This will never get you in my good books. Stop giving me anxiety attacks. 

Let me live in peace. I'm already having a bad and rough time in my life right now, and I'm trying my best to get out of it.. And these people find joy in invading my ing privacy and grossing me out? 

A random creep DMed me asking if I'm a o writer. Yeah, out of all my articles, even the ones where I talk about being depressed, hopeless and losing sense of self, you only notice my a pieces (well I'll take that as a compliment) BUT,  view at it judgementally? get out of my page. 

The world is surely progressing towards a dramatic apocalypse. 


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Erm thats scary . Please be more careful