I need some serious cheering up! :(

hi my fellow chingus, Kpop fans and readers!

i am feeling really down lately. My birthday is coming up and I'm going to be 31 and the thing that's bumming me out is, I'm still freaking single and I don't know if I'll ever find someone. I've had a very difficult past 10 + some of my older subs might know from my older blogs :( and the sadnes rekindled after my little niece Daisy died (I hope I used that word right...)

when I was younger I used to get hit on all the time and after I got out of high school guys were after me a little bit, too and now nothing is happening...what's wrong with me?

im so frustrated about finding someone. I asked my parents about online dating and I think they are going to let me but I'm still kind or scared about it, too...

i just get really sad and upset when I see other people with partners or people talk about their significant other. What am I doing wrong? Do I even deserve to find love at all?

after the concert I met someone new at my sisters bosses house but I found out he has a gf, which I already figured lol and that's also partly why I'm getting bummed out because it seems as though everyone I know is happily with someone I think I only have a few single friends...

it would be nice if someone can cheer me up...:(


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Maybe you're looking at the wrong places to find what your heart desires. Try exploring the world, you might meet the one that's for you all along, it's just that you guys were born on different side of the planet that's why you haven't meet him yet.
You don't really need someone to be happy. Having friends a family and people that care about you can be enough--- though I'm speaking about myself, I am not planning on ever dating/marrying somebody because I feel its easier being alone and/or free, in my opinion that is!! Having a family isn't and should be obligated to have, I HATE when people ask me why am I not dating when I don't want anyone bahahahaha
ginger1111 #3
Give you a warm big hug. Don't worry my friend. Being single at the age can be difficult to find love. I know some found love between 40 and 60, take Susan boyle example she found her first boyfriend at age 53. I understand the pain of losing your niece, struggling finding love and more. Life may not be easy, in the end it will get better in time. There's nothing wrong with you my friend. One day you'll find love and you need self-love. Love yourself my dear. Don't blame yourself. You're wonderful, amazing and beautiful person as you cause it's you.
Aaliyahgtrz #4
Hey its alright, dont push urself.. if u really want a serious relationship why u not just tell ur parent and ask them to hook u up with their friend’s son or sth, maybe introduce u to them at first.. are u struggling with a trauma? Try to heal it first then..