So uhm... I started a Booktube Channel

Hi guys!
For those who don't know it, Booktube is basically a community on Youtube made of readers who... vlog about books... or something. And I've decided to join the wagon! I read mainly YA, Romance, Fantasy, mystery/thriller, anything actually.. So maybe it's something you would want to check out? I don't know yet what sort of videos I'll be posting (if you guys have any ideas or suggestions, that would be much appreciated). So yeah, you can check it out and see how awkward it is when I talk to the camera (a reason why I don't talk in my singing cover videos). If you wanna subscribe, haha, that would be very much appreciated. If you don't, that's fine too~ If you wanna join the Booktube community and make a channel of your own, then by all means, YES!!! Let's do it! :D

Thanks for watching my awkwardness :')


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Hey! I love Booktube! Since you are starting a channel, you should watch Jordan's Harvey's advice on how to start a channel.
It's a super interesting video and I really enjoy her overall opinions. :)
Good luck! And congrats on your wedding XD
purplephoenix #2
I havent been here in AFF for so long and suddenly a booktube! if only we could meet up, it'd be great talking about writings and books with you wkwk
You’re so cute!!!! I love the editing and stuff!
gosh recommend some books to me XD I've been trying to find new book to read but I can't decide.
Jajaja you are so cute!
I will definitely subscribe!
Hugs ^^,