
Sometimes in life you're going to encounter people whose only aim in life seems to be to make your life miserable.

And sometimes they'll succeed. 

There will be days when you feel physically ill at the thought of having to encounter them again. 

There will be days when you forget what it means to believe in yourself and what confidence means. 

There will be days when all you want to do is scream and cry because of them. 

But remember this: this stage of your life will pass. You need to keep on looking forward and remember that these people won't have a hold over you forever. 

It might be a situation that is unavoidable at this exact moment in time, but nothing lasts forever. 

So have that long cry and scream to get it out of your system. Write it all out. Draw it (even if you draw worse than a kindergartener like me). Vent to someone you can trust. 

Find a way to channel those negative feelings and don't cling onto them. Because I guarantee you, that the person/people that are making you feel like crap, are the ones that have held onto all their negative and bitter feelings and lash out and hurt other people in an attempt to satisfy the little voices in their own heads that say that they're not good enough. 


Just remember:

Your feelings are valid.

Your thoughts are valid.

You are valid.

You are important.

You will survive this.


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