Can someone make me feel better?? :(

hi Kpop fans & friends!!

well, I'm happy I'm getting tomorrow off from work so I'm planning to work on some of my story updates, yay!!!

i am still sick and I'm not happy about it :( I know I ask this quite a lot but can someone PLEASE cheer me up and write me a oneshot? I can't seem to find idol X OC oneshot req shops anymore and I really love requesting stuff because I find it funnier to read and it gives me something to look forward too!!

i have tons of prompt is ideas!!! For those who are interested I could give you either a ton of karma points, write you a oneshot in return or give you a shout out!!! I am thankful for my friends who have written for me before!!! I love all the stories you've made me!!! I just need more to cheer me up! I've had such an awful week :(


if if you would like to help me either comment below or directly message me, thank you all in advanced!!!

SARANGHAE!!! xoxoxo


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Hey, it’s been a while, but my writers hand has been itching since the BTS concert last night so I can write one or two for you! >:D I just want one back if possible! I’m sorry for being terrible to you and I was in a really bad place writing wise and emotionally, but I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to burden you. I’m really sorry.

I’ll write you the best one shots I possibly can!
Ohh get well soon dear ;(