Coming Up With Titles? 2.0

So, in my previous blog post, I asked about title brainstorming and I asked for some title opinions on my upcoming story. In case you've not seen it, this is the short blurb of the story.:

"In the current society, in the midst of all of us, there are humans that ain't humans. They are actually highly intelligent robots programmed to act and look like us. These artificial AI are usually used by bigger corporations, whether it's as surveillance cameras or as a tool for committing crimes. A small team had been formed secretly with the same agenda - to take revenge and to bring the corrupted corporation down. Nayeon happened to stumble upon their hideout and since then, she got dragged into this whole mess or the underground war."

I have a few titles written down. But none of it feels right yet, below are the options I have.

1. Among Us
2. Humans Or Not?
3. Artificial Intelligence
4. A.I. Automata Infiltration
5. Beneath The Surface
6. Takeover
7. Mechanical Society
8. False Identities
9. Inhumane
10. Android Underground
11. In Plain Sight
12. Without A Second Thought
13. Masked
14. Humanoids

From just the blurb, it probably sounded like a super sci-fi fic. But I'm trying to incorporate a little comedy at the start since Nayeon will be confused about her whole situation and how messy it would be. What do you think of the current options, anything I should improve on and such?


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