Hi guys!!!!
You know those QnA type of videos where people answer questions and stuff?
I thought it'd be fun to do something like that. 
But I need questions.... So uhm... Please help me by sending questionsss.. Any questions... I shall welcome the really weird ones as well! Be it about my writing, my covers, my love for Woohyun, anything... Anything but my height and age. Never ask about my height and age.

If you randomly stumbled upon this post, feel free to leave a question!
Please do.. Having no responses would be... sad.. Hahaha

Thanks everyone~


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pacatcomel #1
hmmm......comment about global warming crisis that will lead to submerging some SEA city in 2030, LGBTQ++ in general perspective, and the conjuring universe franchise whether its worth to follow or said ask anything cutie pie ....^___^
Your story that you.. never...ever... in this life let woohyun read?haha and why?
And a story you wish that woohyun knows that it exists also why
What are your favorite affs?
What kind of steps do you take when you first come up with a story idea? How do you develop the plot around the loopholes as you write? :D
Wenqi_Gihm #5
i know you stop writing crescendity but is there any chance that you will continue writing it? because i am a huge fan of it but it is okay if you don't :)
how do you find the inspiration to write a story?
Are you planning new story after DnD? can give us the summary? (use this to promote XDD)
out of all the characters you have written so far, which characters that you actually like and which you actually hate from which story and why
Out of all of the stories you’ve written, which ones are your favorite and least favorite? I personally loved your Trapped In A Kdrama fic :)