the sorrow of young gay ;(

In the first place I was writing fanfic because of this girl.

The girl who  can't leave my mind the more I'm trying to forget her, the more I get hurt. 

Everytime I miss her I always promised to myself to see her picture on her instagram account for the last time, but it never last I keep checking on her instagram even after I found out she is getting back together with her ex boyfriend. 

God was hearing my hope. I was blaming myself to prevent her for getting along again with him causing she won't talk to me and I choose to let her be. I left her when she has broken heart. 

Since I felt like suffering without her, I won't she feel what I feel live without her love. I pray to the god. "God it's fine if I'm not supposed to be with her but please let her be happy with him". 

So here I'm, made fanfic to distract my mind from the thought of her.




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