How My Mom Identifies Groups' Members and Anime Characters blog series

Hi. My mother is hilariously accurate and deserves her own compilation ok.

If you remember how she identifies EXO and NCT members, I will also be adding that here!


The newest edition is: How my mother identifies Naruto characters.

I'm so done lmao


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I want ur mom lmao she’s so accurate
Kakashi and Minato are my top two favorite Naruto characters, haha. I believe there's an episode (filler, maybe) where Kakashi actually shows his whole face.

"Why is he still alive? He needs to die oh my goodness" <-- Orochimaru scared me as a kid so this comment made me laugh
"Why not? If he wasn't so evil, he's so handsome. Too handsome. Look at his muscles." <-- some villains can definitely question your choices. xD

I love your mom's comments. Accurate and hilarious. xD