Writing Original Stories!

   Hey guys, its ya girl Aine. So recently I've been extremely busy, just dealing with some personal things. In the past few days, I started writing again. I've come a very long way too. I used to be okay at writing but now I think I'm pretty good. I've written some original stories on Wattpad and I'm really liking how they are turning out. I'd absolutely love it if you guys were to read my new story Glass Heart. It's about a woman who finds out who she really is after an accident. The main characters name is Mary McCullough. She's a pretty girl with a mixed racial background and a ton of memories missing. She has to figure out who she is, and why she's being hunted down. 


   When I first started to write the idea of the story, I wasn't intending on publishing it because I didn't think it was good. I had my best friend read it and he said it was amazing and it had him hooked. I was excited. I couldn't believe that after so long I wrote something good. So I decided to publish it. I began working on my other ideas as well and I was stoked. I gathered up some of my other ideas and now I'm just writing nonstop. I will be working on my fanfics as well now that my writer's block is gone. I hope you all look forward to reading my fics and I will be leaving links to everything below.


E D I T: So I noticed that the link in the images isn't working so I'm leaving them here. So sorry for the trouble.






(Insert shameless self-promotion here):


   Silent Waters by undefined     The Silenced by undefined     Blood Born - A Skryrim Tale by undefined


Read them and let me know what you think! Comment and share! Enjoy!! 


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