Feeling Uninfired


So, I was sick for a while (I had pretty bad bronchitis and coughed my way into a minor sternum injury), but now I'm feeling a lot better and I'm trying hard to catch up on everything. The only problem is I'm stuck on a few on my writing projects and I'm feeling rather uninspired. At this point I'm just staring at my screen thing now what? Does anyone have any advice, and/or things that inspire them out of their creative ruts?


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I had some moments of that lately bc I hadn't been writing due to busy schedules. I started with planning a few chapters ahead so I will have an idea of what I will be writing next instead of being stuck. And then maybe a Word War with someone. I do that in wattpad when you set a timing, 15mins to 20mins? Just write as much as you can. You can do that yourself too!

So the whole idea of it is to not write for an hour if you're not feeling it but that few minutes help. It usually helps for me and I will sometimes end up writing a whole chapter after that.
Since I'm a chanbaek writer, I tend to search up gifs/clips/vids of their moments to get me going when i hit that point after I'm sick too. It works as a sort of jumpstart after being braindead haha

If that doesn't work, I look back at what I need to update and reread it to get me in the mood for that particular story.

Hope that helps get you inspired! Good luck ♡
Em1412 #3
Maybe a change of scenery, or look up some writing prompts to help you with an idea :)
Hi! I stumbled upon this post and since this happens to me too... i usually just watch a movie or a series, maybe even anime. or just read a book. Orrrr i sleep and take notes from my dream lmao. Do something else and relax. Idk if im even qualified to give you advice or if this will work on you but these things happens to every writer and i hope you find your inspiration very soon!