Update - 8/14/2018

Just a random blog post. I guess I'll just post randomly and give updates here and there, but this won't be a regular thing.


I'm thinking about writing a surprise chapter today for Love Me Right. I'm hoping I can do that because I've missed updates lately...


I'm considering just deleting my "Pure Chance" series because it's bad... the more I think about it, the more I hate it... so i don't know. I don't think people actually like the series, but at the same time I don't want to be the person who ends the story in the middle because I know how it feels.


Anyways, nothing else is happening in my life...


I'll start posting some information for my series on my blog posts as well!

For example:

I won't be able to update Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week.

Also, I am working on another chapter for "a broken reunion" so hold tight (it won't be coming for another week probably and I'm sorry if it's later than that)






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