I know I can, I'm just hurt

I always hear my mom say that she'd commit suicide by hanging herself. Everytime she faces trials, at first she'll act unaffected but she'll be pissed off about everything in the house even on small things then eventually she'd said it.. ."just a little more and I'd hang myself"

It hurts. Everytime I hear it coming from her. It breaks my heart. And my dad.. .I know that he's about to break as well but he acts tough for us.

I want to help my parents and Im working hard to let them see that there is still hope. That we can rise up as a family and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I feel like a hero at times but I aint bullet proof like superman. My heart is aching and i want to be their support by i cant now.. .i feel like im also breaking at this point but i want to hold on, i want to be strong for them.

I know i can. I know i will.. .

But it hurts..

So bad.. .


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Dear, no one's supposed to bear all the struggles alone. If you think you can't be the strong one for your family anymore, then so be it. Share your pain and struggles to your trusted person/people. As for your mom, it's better to seek professional help. A therapy can help to sort out things, it'll never hurt to try.
In hard time like this , someone in the family must remained strong and rational because if not then everyone will fall together.

Do have any relatives or siblings who you can talk too and asked for help? I think your mom might need some help since she seems to be emotionally unstable. She might need some theraphy and moral support.

I'm not sure what you're going through right now , but I know that God have a purposed. He will not test you on something that you cant handle. I hope that things get better for you and your family.

I think it times of trials , its important for everyone to be supportive of each other even if its hard. Give each other encourgement . You parents must know that at the end of the day, no matter how great the trial is , if you still have your family , there's nothing that you cant overcome.

You have done a good job along the way. You deserved some credits too for being strong and trying to fixed things for the better. Keep up the good work. Try to talk and share the burden with someone that your trust. Go have some time by yourself to just breath and release everything out to come back stronger.

Never give up . As long as you dont give up, there's always hope and chances to change things for the better. The life is worth the fight. Continue to have faith and know that eventually everything will be fine . Please dont be too harsh on yourself. Go seek for help and support if you need.