Language Advice

Hey everyone!

So, I have a few foreigner friends on FB that talk to me on messanger and have asked me to help them improve their English (one is from Poland and is studying to be a translator, and the other two are from India and Dubai and are either medical students or work in hospital). I'm okay with this and I'm honestly falttered that they asked this of me. There's only one problem: I'm from Maine and I'm finding that I'm trying really hard not to break into local dialect (yes, fellow Americans, we do have dialects). I'm worried I might accidently teach them to speak like Northern New Englanders. So, I try really hard to avoid saying things like wicked, but sometimes I falter and say things like "no worries" and instead of saying "pardon?" I say "sorry?". Should I worry about this, or should I just write English like I usually do when speaking to friends?


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i agree with cigarettesmoke!! i think that they'll probably find it really cool to be able to talk in a dialect, and in any case, english is english XD and everyone can still understand each other anyway (unlike chinese dialects ohoho)
say what you'd normally say when talking to friends! it helps them to understand how to speak like a native. nobody really speaks super politely in the real world, so i'd say just speak how you normally would and let them pick up local slang! that's what i'd appreciate when learning other languages myself, anyway.