It's Not Writer's Block

It's not that at all.


It doesn't feel like one because you know you can still write and type so many things. It's not that as you feel words coursing out your body if only you put your fingers onto it. It might seems like it but it's not like that at all.



It's different.


Because you fear something.




fear something.




I can't tell what it is but it's like being scared of jumping into another world as you write continuously. Like being afraid of getting dragged along for the ride in each paper you typed on. Like falling deep into words, events and imaginations you've solely created.


It's the fear of losing yourself along the way because of trying to find the end of it. The fear of going through barriers you can't cross in the real world yet what your powerful brain dares to pass every time. The fear of changing because you know there's turning back once you do.


Sometimes I fear what I write. Because we all need protagonists and monsters. And sometimes instead of relating myself in the heroes that I bring to life...




I find myself in the despicable creation that already existed long before I could reach for a pen for it's like a shadow keeping its place just behind me and seperated from all that others could see.


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don't be afraid....