an open letter to cliques. honestly, what is happening to the rpw.


sincerely, i don't know what happened.
roleplaying used to be so much fun, it meant a escape to many. we would easily make new friends and rarely somebody would think of themselves as ''the hottest '' or ''exclusive'' who don't engage with ''peasants''. now, it all changed. huge cliques everywhere and nobody cares about getting to know the others surrounding them or even give other places a chance. these days it's all about being dull as heck with their fading dps and carbon copy jokes and layouts from twitter. even twitter rps that I thought that even more than they already did managed, weirdly, to become even worse lmao.

i don't understand how, but huge cliques seem to be appearing more and more often and although that's all dandy and fine, i just don't understand what the point in opening a roleplay is when you're not willing to speak to other people. that's what the point of being in a roleplay is. if you're just there to interact with your friends, then freelance instead? it's unfair, and downright direspectful. opening a new rolpelay alone, or with a few friends even seems to also be a difficult task since no one seems to want to join, giving that the majority of the rpw consits of these said cliques, which can be kind of upsetting since people put their time and effort into making a roleplay.

an honest y'all for not giving new, small roleplays a chance, and a huge u to the cliques
thank u


y'all that try to act superior. ur not the person in ur dp, get over urself lmao


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