Karma Points Winner...



The number was...



Congratulations Scarface! You were the first to guess correctly, so you will be getting 500 karma points!



And also congratulations to PCYplusBBH! You also guessed correctly, so I've decided to give you 250 points!!!



To everyone else, I hope you enjoyed guessing ヽ( ⌒∇⌒ )ノ I had fun doing this!


And I'll do another giveaway as soon as I earn enough karma, so keep an eye out for it (^_-)b




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Congrats to the winners! Wow, they even had quite similar guesses with just one anomaly.
Thank you so much <3
Thank you for doing this! It was fun!
I got close ;D 64 - 30 = 34!
Mewlrose #5
YAY! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Congrats to PCYplusBBH as well. :) We practically guesses almost the same numbers, except I said 7 and PCYplusBBH said 8. wtf