Why I'm not updating?

For a long time, I have wanted to write some chapters for my ongoing stories. And for someone who has found this world of writing, going with such long periods of times without doing it, feels horrible. It's like you're craving your favorite meal, but for some reason, you can't have it.

I would love to say that having found a good and demanding job in a great start-up and doing something I finally love may have been a major cause... the reality is that this is not why I cannot write anymore.

To be honest, It's been several factors that have made me keep my distance from my favorite hobby in the world.

I could say everything fell down when the major earthquake happened the last September in the city where I live. After going through that frightening event, I was left wondering what I was still doing in this world. I was also recently jobless from quitting a company which I liked but which didn't value what I have done in there for the past year. 

Those two events shook me to my core and though I tried to keep going with my regular schedule the best I could, I knew deep inside, I was not okay. 

A couple of weeks later I found a job in another great company with great stability but which job didn't fulfill my appetite for growth and desire to have a direct impact in the company, so 3 months later, I quit again. Before quitting I was feeling so happy and hopeful, I thought I would have a couple of months to dedicate completely to writing as I searched for a job that offered what I was looking for – the reality was far away from what I had imagined. 

Mexico City is in a very conflictive place regarding earthquakes. Mexico also has an "alert-earthquake system" so, when an earthquake is about to hit, sirens all over the city start to ring and when you hear that sound, your heart stops. I have even said that I'm more scared of that sound than of the actual earthquake itself.  Also, for some reason, in the past months, a lot of large/small earthquakes have happened in very short amounts of time and since I live in the 12 floor, feeling each one of them have been traumatizing and horrible. 

There have been many weird coincidences too, each time I have uploaded a chapter in this year, each time an earthquake has hit the city and that has just made think that I should not write anymore. I'm scared to post a new chapter because I think the earth will violently shake again. 

Is not that I don't want to write, is just that I'm too afraid to do it that I rather not!

I feel so conflicted! I want to write, I want to read your comments and share these worlds I have created in my head, but I'm terrified. I don't know what to do or how to handle this. :'(


Has anyone gone through something similar? Please let me know!



-- From a desperate storyteller who misses sharing chapters!





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Just take ur time, sansi! You've worked hard! Always hope the best for everyone who have hard time in their life u.u
What can I say? Well you should be afraid because damn it's terrifying to witness such tragedy, all in all I pray that you are safe and will be forever, not just because of your stories or because I'm desperate for an update.... But because you're a friend, I feel devastated to know all these was happening around you, also don't be afraid though it is frightening, be strong and stay healthy, I will keep on praying for you, I've never experience such catastrophe but I know how it feels. Wishing you best of luck with your life and I hope you get a better job and life in general.
I understand that you're afraid. But don't give up what you love doing. It's your passion. Fighting!
Por cierto, me olvidé de mencionar en mi anterior comentario que soy LadyMermelada, cambie mi usser, no se si te acuerdas de mi pero igual ya que, solo quería que lo supieras xD
Comprendo perfectamente que esas coincidencias hayan fundando un miedo en ti, creo que hasta yo me cagaría de miedo y eso que no soy supersticiosa ni nada.

Creo que todo el estrés de buscar trabajo más los terremotos te está afectando mucho, unas vacaciones a otro lado te vendrían muy bien, has pasado por muchas cosas en poco tiempo y es natural que te sientas así, después de todo eres humana y no eres perfecta así que no te aflijas demasiado si algo no te sale a la primera (como escribir).

Aunque extraño tu escritora como loca (GOL es mi obsesión asdfghjklñ). Me preocupa más tu bienestar, si crees que escribir en vez de darte alegría, regocijo, satisfacción solo te causa nervios, ansiedad y estrés, creo que lo mejor sería que te hagas una idea de no volver a escribir un tiempo, solo no lo intentes o presiones, deja que fluya naturalmente. No importa si pasa mucho tiempo, la inspiración vendrá sola, mientras tanto tu puedes buscar otro pasatiempo, quien sabe, a lo mejor encuentres otro que te llene más que la escritura.

No se si fui clara o de ayuda, pero espero que vuelvas a recuperar la confianza en ti y tu escritura, porque eres muy buena en lo que haces Sansi, de las mejores escritoras que tenemos en el fandom <3
Eliza97 #6
Hola Sansi. Creo que llego el momento de escribirte en español 🙈. Te entiendo, es una experiencia traumatica y a veces vivimos con sosobra cuando cosas así nos pasan. Los miedos son obstáculos que debemos intentar superar, aun si fallamos muchas veces, aun si nos toma mucho o poco tiempo. Valdrá la pena al final librar esa lucha interna. Tambien tuve un trabajo agotador, en el que sentí que no progresaba y no era capaz de hacer nada con seguridad, me sentí mal conmigo misma y entré en una ansiedad diaria por que tenía miedo de caer en una crisis económica en el futuro, pero mis amigos y algunos seres queridos me hicieron darme cuenta que la felicidad debe sobreponerse a los miedos, por eso seguí adelante estudiando lo que elegí (aun cuando todavía estaba insegura de ser capaz) y haciendo lo que me gustaba en mis tiempos libres, olvidandome del tema del dinero, los prejuicios y dejando de pensar demasiado en el futuro. Ahora creo que he podido superar esa ansiendad y ese miedo que no me dejaba en paz, dejé los malos pensamientos.
Tu eres una magnífica escritora, que bendición que tu hobby sea tu talento, también eres dueña de tus decisiones, así que se fuerte e intenta continuar, paso a paso, sin presiones. Gracias por compartir tus historias tanto ficticias como personales, sé que no es fácil hacerlo. Esta lectora te apoya y te escribe con un corazón sincero. Ánimo!!
Cvlsone #7
You shouldn’t stop doing what make you truely happy. Be strong and destroy that fear!
Not long ago an earthquake happened here , and lots of small ones continue to strike one after another. Since i live in a private house , 2 floors house there was not much frightening, 12 floors is a big deal. I know what u went through so i'm sorry. As for the job , you will never be contented with it but still u try your best or start up smth. As far as i know your field has a high request. Don't worry. What about moving from that city? Call me selfish but i don't think any update is related with the earthquakes. What is going to happen is going to happen. U know better but if you stop because of this fear you will have it harder to overcome it later. Slowly slowly take steps toward overcoming the fears. FIGHTING. Good luck.
kjasmin #9
Things happen every second but thinking about that constantly will put a huge cloud over your life.if you continue to be scared of this it'll takes you away from actually living,these fears that you think and panic about constantly, are ruining what you can have right now and since you are still alive your life has a reason and a purpose and if there is still breath in your lungs that means you haven't fulfilled your mission on earth yet.
i'll pray for you to get better
dominicaly #10
I actually understand u..when i was little there have been a lot of fighting from terorist in my city and there are also sirens everytime the city is getting attacked by those inhuman pest.....until now i can still remember waking up from those siren that hunt me sometimes in my dreams....but instead of getting drown from those nightmares,i live my everyday life not to regret wasting my time thinking of those things.....u are still alive....u should not wait for an answer on why u are still alive,instead u should be the one creating what u are going to do to make it not regretable and valuable....right?
Miss your story sansi.the earth quake got nothing to do with your story..it just coincidence. The earth is suffering now from the human's work on it.Hope to read ur story soon. Fighting & take care