Response to MissMinew's blog post

So someone(MissMinew) brought up a really good question in a blog post  

Since from the very few comments I've seen underneath that post, I wasn't quite satisfy (felt more like a group being defended rather than not), I've developped a lot so just giving it more exposure

Why are lyrics about love less meaningful than lyrics about society and/or mental disorders?


Everything is argueable but what I think people JUST don't understand is that it's all about taste? I believe rather than the lyrics, there's also in terms of the music, not sure if I would listen to a song if I don't like the instrumental but talk about serious issues, I would appreciate the lyrics but if music doesn't follow then it'd be a no go for me, the typical songs you listen once, says it's "good I guess" and then will forever skip. But anyway music itself is not the topic

Like I personnally, and I believe I'm not the only one, sometimes just want to listen to a love song or a really depressing one or simply on wanting to have fun or whatever my mood demands me to listen. Thinking about the saturation of love songs (and not just k-pop, the entire music industry) the fact that groups somewhat always come out with NEW lyrics amaze me, even if musically it's "generic" or whatever, the lyrics stays timeless because love is an emotion every human is able to understand and be familiar with.

I kind of think it's somewhat hypocrite to say love is kess meaningful, poetry from Antiquity to nowadays was about love (mainly) and none (mmaybe the ones who think it's pretentious) reduce it as ONLY about love , love is not always about the same happy love or sad love we know, forbiddens can be added or more topics such as life itself, great poet like Baudelaire or Ronsard talk about love in a total different kind of way, talking about death to address the poem to their love ones in order to remind them that life is short (Momento mori) and advice them to keep on loving and enjoy present (carpe diem).

Why am I talking about poetry? Because it's lyrical and if sang with the instrumental we use in music nowadays, people would immediately think it's the typical lovesong with maybe some "pretentious" (a lot like to call it like that and over pass the countless rules and literary movements through history) words, would it still be called "meaningless" by some? Probably. Would it make it less enjoyable? Never.Can love be considered meaningless? No, imagine a world without love? Really picture it, how I picture it is a world that could make the most horrible dystopian imagined pale in comparaison.

A world without love, that would strip humans from natural instincts and love, we love just as we hate, fear and breath, tell me what would we be doing RIGHT NOW without love, the most powerful and genuine feeling, all I imagine are robots without any motivation to live. 
I guess people want "socially woke" songs, but in the end it's proning love and peace? Love isn't just that romantic feeling between one to another, family and friends are included. We love and want to protect and by that we want to live comfortably in a world that was left with lingering conflicts in some parts of our world.
Are we going to ignore all of the songs about love and manipulating, the words like good and bad but still happen today, love leads sometimes to tragic stories because since humans are flawed, controling, abusive behaviours came come out and trapping someone to blinded by love. I guess some wants to ignore these lyrics. 
I'm not belitteling mental disorders, actually I will call it socially woke because in the end all 'serious' topic are meant  to raise awareness based songs, would rather encourage it but I still think everyone can be just as touched by love songs than sw ones. As one with depression, I won't feel the need to listen to md songs on a daily basis, those 'meaningless' songs can make me feel better just as other can feel better after these "meaningful" songs about society.
If our world ever reached that utopia society that many imagine ( like Thomas More did through Utopia [ps: not a song but a book]), would these meaningful songs of today still be meaningful in a world full of love and justice rather than those meaningless songs which are now called like that because they offers an happy vision in the space of three minutes?

Anyway, conlusion, is that music is subjectif, lyrics can all be interpreted differently sometimes, if it helps you forget things, good, if it makes you think, good too. If it makes you feel superior to listen to a song you claim as socially woke, then you do it all wrong and disrespect the message the lyrics convey.


Who knows maybe I'll add something later if my mind comes up with more!

EDIT (already): Love itself can become a social topic, as like MissMinew in her post talk about how being married is heavily encouraged in our society, in some countries to the extent to arrange love and force it, I may have never heard song about that topic in perticular but still it shows how much love can be covered in lyrics and be that "meaningful" topic for songs


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Love is the base of all things so it's kind of twisted to say that lyrics about it are meaningless, as you said, coming up with different lyrics for the same topic is very innovative. Sometimes I listened to Bap's song like wake me up and found myself jamming on it, however, when I read the lyrics it made me reconsider my perspective upon people with different needs and the problems society has, it didn't make me dance anymore. It is a matter of perspective.
I agree whole-heartedly!! I think in the end all the messages are promoting love in different forms. Hehe thanks for writing this ya C:
Thank you for your response! ^_^
I need to make an edit to my original blogpost, haha, because a lot of things seem to have been misinterpreted.
I am fully aware that music (and lyrics included) are subjective and they should be. It’s more in terms of comparisons and arguments of who is better and when people then use the argument “they write love songs and they don’t have meaningful lyrics” I don’t understand that argument. So I wanted to address that. ^^’ (except I did it all wrong by mentioning any names, hahahah)

But I have to admit, I truly enjoyed reading your response and I think you have a lot of excellent points! ^_^