love writing, hate writers block

this i my first post and tbh i don't really know how to use this website yet but i'll figure that out soon. idk. i used to write fanfics all the time and i really loved it even though when i read it now it's totally cringy. and i want to start writing again cause it makes me happy but my brain is just like blank and there's not much ideas coming in, which totally . maybe i'll try blogging instead and see how that goes. but i really really do hope one day i get that sudden rush of a fantastic idea into my head and be able to start writing again. gosh does anyone relate??


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I totally relate! maybe you could start out just writing drabbles or oneshots so there's less pressure for a "big" story so you can get more comfortable just putting words on the page. Sometimes forcing yourself to free write is the best way to get over blocks, or at least that's been my experience.