I am back!!!!!!! (not really, heh)

Hello everyone! 

Wow it's been a really long time, hah! God, I missed asianfanfics so much! I could see that there's a lot of changes that in a way, I am kind of "culture-shocked" (heheh) I also missed my friends here, some of them I see are not active anymore/have deactivated already (!) 

I last updated my fanfiction here (that I would rather not talk about as it really so much! HAHAHAHA!) 4 years ago and that was like before 9th grade, and now I am 18 years old and currently a freshman in college, it's quite hard to believe time really went so fast. 

I am back, yes. but just to check in, I guess? It's just that I can't really write fanfiction anymore--or at least, that's what I think. HAH (which is kind of ironic since I'm majoring in Journalism LOL) but I think I should practice writing one again, some other time.

I know this blog is quite pointless, but I just felt this rush of nostalgia and I think writing a blog is kind of the thing I should do for some reason hahahaha!


p.s. I set my fanfic to private FOR EVERYONE'S SAKE. You're welcome.

 Michaellasone :--)



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