Korean names in fics: There is no "MRS. (Husband Surname)" in Korea!

Hi there! I'm sure a lot of you are authors or readers of fanfics w/ idols or OCs. 
Have you encountered fanfics with a "Mrs." title? Either in the beginning or later in the fic because of marriage?

Just a quick PSA (lol)


Married women in Korea do not take the surname of the husband. 
Then how do you know they're husband and wife?
A Family Register.


Mr. Kim is married to Ms. Park
after marriage, they remain as Mr. Kim and Ms. Park
But in Ms. Park's passport, additional info will be beside her surname "PARK (Married to KIM)"
And when they register their marriage, she is included in the family register of Mr. Kim as his wife.

Their children will receive the father's surname Kim.

But Ms. Park will remain Park until the end.

Isn't it interesting?

This makes divorce easier for the woman. (bad joke?mybad)

So anyways, another random KOREA FACT BLOG POST!
Maybe I should make this into a BLOG SERIES. lol. Add in the "-ah/-ya" I mentioned in a previous blog.

Anyways, I just hope whoever reads this learns something new! :)




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I looked this up a while back because of dramas, lol, because I was confused why the woman doesn't change her last name. I don't know how true this is because I only saw it on this one blog; the woman doesn't changed her last name when she gets married so she can honor her father. Whether it's true or not, it's kind of cool how she doesn't need to change her last name. Now, I try to refer a married woman by her last name and not her husbands, but it's kind of hard since Mr. & Mrs. are in my head when I write about a straight married couple, lol.
Some do change to their husbands last name, majority don't because there's alot of paperworks to do to change it. But it also depends on the setting of the fic. If in SK, I guess that depend on the author. But yeah alot of paperworks to change one's name in SK.
I knew that, but I think, sometimes in fics, it's just easier to write "Mrs. XX" to get the point of marriage across.
Just like how I know the SHINee member's mothers (maybe other idols too, I don't know, I mostly know about SHINee, lol) are sometimes referred to as "Mama [member surname]" although she - possibly - holds another surname. (I mean, some of the names are so common that a Kim probably married a Kim somewhere in Korea lmao)

But - I love that a woman keeps her maiden name in Korea! ^_^