Wattpad, Youtube Channel & Future Writing Career (To My Readers and Anyone Interested)

Okay so there are two things I'd like to touch on here:


1. I've created an account on Wattpad and there, I'll only be posting original fiction. So no fanfics there. Whew. However, I'll probably make an 'english version' of my existing fanfics - if that makes sense, I hope it makes sense lol. If you'd like to support me there and read more of my works (that may not be posted here on AFF), do give me a follow

I'm a little nervous about my wattpad account because that's where I morph my two worlds together - my life as a writer and my personal life. All this while, the people I know in real life have never seen my works (or maybe they have but aren't aware that I wrote them). Meanwhile, none of my readers know of my real life identity either. So to have that changed completely is a pretty major step for me because I've been accustomed to living a double life lol. So why am I taking this huge step? That brings me to my next point.


2.  I'd like to pursue a career in writing - not only as a fiction writer but also a journalist / blogger as well as an editor. I've always known my love for writing (alongside being a dancer - whom many in real life may know me as) but it only occurred to me recently that maybe I could turn it into one of my career paths. It's going to take lots of time and effort and it's going to require me doing things my introverted socially anxious self would hate doing. But life's too short for me to not try anyway. Besides, at least I'd stop feeling guilty about not making use of my media and journalism diploma, am I right? That cost me a ton of money that took me 3 jobs to earn whew

Same goes for my dancing career - I'll still be pursuing that too (and if you'd like to support me then here's my Youtube channel - where I'll be posting covers, self-choreographies and maybe tutorials). And yes, I'm pursuing more than one career paths because I've never truly liked sticking to only one thing.


Anddd, I'm doing all of this while keeping my daily job (until I've decided that I'm fully ready to quit it). Am I going to struggle? Yes. Is it going to take a toll on me? Probably. But oh well. It'll all be worth it. So why did I write this blog post? Well, aside from wanting to promote my wattpad account (and perhaps my youtube channel hehe), I also wanted to provide a life update. It's been pretty tough for me the past couple months - what with my few relapses and the constant dilemma of finding myself behind all the facade I've developed. Have I figured it all out Not even close. But I do have a solid goal in mind and I'm planning on achieving it. This blog post is to also make you a witness so that in the future, should I start slacking off, you'd be given every right to knock me on the head with a frying pan and say "Step up your game, honey, you're falling behind."


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