Need some guy advice, lol!!

hey you guys!!! I started working on the next chapter of my Namjin fic and I'm going to try and have it up next week!

but I wanted some more advice...I have a crush on a new guy I know in the past I liked John and I'm totally over him I want to know if u guys can help me figure out if this guy from my volunteer work might like me as well!! :) you see I might have told you about him a long time ago, he and I were starting to get close around Christmas time a few years ago back when we both started working at that place...


we we got along great and talked quite a little bit, and I always told him about my nieces and such. So in January I had come back to work but after my niece passed away I stopped going there for a long time and everyone said they were missing me there...

my co worker who is my best friend said that he always asks about me and how I'm doing and such and when I had gone for surgery in the summer last year he was worried about me as well and wanted to know who was going to be looking after me when the surgery was over...and so than I recently came back to work last week and he said to my friend that he had missed our little chats and such. And he had said it straight to me after wards and then I asked him how school was and such...and then today when my friend was over she said he had dropped off another co worker of ours odd at her house and he knows I hang out with her all the time and asked her how I was again LOL


what do u guys think of this??? Do u think he might like me as well??? I do like him and he seems like such a sweet heart he has brought my friend and her hubby pizza yesterday!!! Lol Ahhh I don't know what to say or think because I have been liking him a lot recently and I find him really nice and comfortable to talk too!

what do u guys think of this.?? I really need your advice, let me know below and I will try to reply to you guys!!



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JungJuu #1
Does he have a girlfriend?

I don't know tbh, if he a real sweetheart, then he could probably a person who's kind to everyone. But I can see that he's really kind towards you that could be because of two reasons : one, because he wants to capture your heart and he's your close friend.

I can' t really say. But often in love you need to muster up some courage and take risk.
yogurt96 #2
All in all, I'm glad you got over John. I remember you writing about how nice and sweet he could be, but I also remembered that he had a girlfriend?

Tbh it doesn't seem to hurt to try to sought out for him. He seems nice, especially considering that he always asks about you. I would go for it just because I don't want to live with regrets. Maybe try it out? It doesn't seem like there would be a bad outcome