That insane woman called me.

That insane woman(from last month) called me again ,yesterday morning at 1am. I'm going to say this my phone did not rang at 1am yesterday morning.Like a silent phone called. Plus,I have to say this for my alibi I was on my phone chatting with my friends and watching videos on Youtube. So,yesterday afternoon. I restart(turn off and turn on)my phone. Once, phone came back on. My phone said,"One missed called." I look at the missed called. I scroll through my phone history and it was the insane woman from last month who claimed that I called her five times in the previous week. Which I didn't. She didn't even leave a voice message. Thank goodness. If she did leave a voice message it would be her yelling through the message. I'm glad that I restarted my phone yesterday. But,at the same time I would like a apology from her what she said about the last two phone calls too me. Has this ever happen to you?


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