Poem Help?

Hi guys, what are some good poems from actual authors? And by "actual authors" i mean that like they have to be actual published authors and not just poems made by people online. It's for my English final where I have to find 25 poems that I like by "actual authors" (that's what my prof said) and then write a paragraph about each poem and why I like them. But I only have like 10 poems down so far, so if you guys could help and recommend me some poems that you guys like, please do~~~ thank youuuu


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Edgar Allan Poe's
Shakespeare's (some sonnets are awesome)
John Milton's
Elizabeth Barret Browning's
--- choose from their poems
Lang Leav is quite a mainstreamed author and lowkey don't like the way she writes. Some of her pieces are good tho. I recommend Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell, and I wrote this for you (and the second book, I wrote this for you and only you)
You can try read Lang Leav's work . She's awesome