(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis #7 - Quit Being Stuck In Your Writing By Doing This (DIBS Advice: 2.5 Things To Avoid/Fix Plot Holes) + Awesome Video and Me-Share (Infinity/New Chapter (4)

* Writing Tip Below Video
    I'm way too tired to add much, so let's keep it simple.
    I have a video/'dur- and it's awesome.  This music with the video just - uh - touches down on the one with Yixing and the Pretty Little Psychos.  All I can think is he screams Wildes.
    I love this kind of thing.
    The Theme pulls me in and inspires so much.  Including another - different - one shot.
    Wilde/Creaturish Chanyeol falling in love with a human, but he has low self esteem and... something something, but he's awesomely creepy but still a sweet heart.  Any way, look forward to that.
[FMV] - DO YOU - Park Chanyeol


Writing Tip
Plot Holes
What about them?
It's where things in your story get messed up -
Something's added that shouldn't be there-
The time line gets messed up-
Something doesn't make since...  Yeah.
Hopefully, we all know about them, but if not, there you go.
They're easy mistakes to make, but the chance that you'll do it will be lessened if you plan things out.
The more detail you lay out the better - before you start writing.
You could:
1) Create a Time Line (and write out where every thing is going to take place).  It's a fun and easy way to see the bigger picture of your story.  Know what character goes where, when and for how long.  [I'll write a more indepth post about this soon, but for now I'm writing just the basics - tired].  >.<
Your Time Line can also show your Themes (Love, Truth and Lies, Light and Dark, Love and Hate, Honesty, Trust Issues, etc...) and Motifs (Like the Mocking Jay for Katniss in The Hunger Games - it represented the people's savior).
2) It also helps to have an editor/Beta (they can catch what you can't when you're too close to the story - the beauty of a second set of eyes ;).
I recommend getting someone that knows about writing, does writing, is constructive and not rude when editing things.
2.5) You can also post to fic groups like on Facebook or Fic Editing Groups and have people help you out.  You can meet new friends and find new great stories and writers in the process.  Sounds like a win to me.
Ok, guys.  I'm pooped.  To bed for me.
[!] Oh - I forgot - NEW news:
I finished and posted >Chapter Four of my SHINee Vampire AU - Infinity
Until Tomorrow - Enjoy,
~ Demitria_Teague (Author)



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Plot holes are technically gaps in the story that doesn't make sense given the story's logic. They got less to do with messed up timelines and details that shouldn't be there if said details don't go against the story's logic.
The best way to counter them is not timelines, but world building.

Know all the small things about your world, even the things that seem stupid and irrelevant. And if you need help, there's plenty of world building tools around on the internet. What happens when is somewhat irrelevant to plotholes unless you suddenly end up with time travel in a world where it doesn't exist. How things work, however, is way more important. :)