(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis #3 - Quit Being Stuck In Your Writing By Doing This. + BONUS (Extra Writing Tip)

Writing Tip (Below Video(s) - That's right (I said Video(s) >.< :P !
    I've tried different ways to help people learn to write or at least quit being stuck in a particular area.  I've become over whelmed many times.  I think I may have found a way to make it work for all of us.  I post once a day, something short and straight to the point and BAM.  I share my excitement VIA music video and small intro, and you get a tasty writing tip, that hopefully helps you out.  Yay!  We all win.
Today/Nights's Video:
    I'm really feeling Exo today & There's a Bonus Video (that you've probably watched, so just for that - I'm also posting a BONUS Writing Tip - Yay!)
Video 1
EXO - CBX 'Horololo' MV (At first, I wasn't too sure how I liked it.  Then I became addicted, so here you go :)


Writing Tip 1
    Do you struggle with knowing how much to tell and how much to keep from your readers?
    I think of a story like a movie (because that's how my brain works), and even though yours may not, get in to the practice of thinking this way.  We all watch movies - maybe - maybe not.  We're not all the same, so that's assuming (bad me!).  If you don't watch a lot of movies, getting in to the practice of doing so and doing what a good one does is a great way to write.  If you think of it like a movie playing out you'll naturally write like that.  And once you make it a habit your writing will become easier.
    And you'll fall in love with how well things fall in to place.  Try playing around with it today.  Start the habit now.  Don't even take it seriously.  Just have fun.
    No pressure.
    Give yourself permission to write the crapiest crap around (You're the only one whose going to read it, unless you share it.  I encourage sharing, but to someone who'll be Honest/Constructive and not rude, and that knows about writing.)  You'll be ready to jump around and do your happy dance.
    I would say good luck, but you don't need it.  Hard work and being passionate about your craft pays off.  That and setting goals keeps you on track.  When you start living the life of your dreams (setting goals and accomplishing them), you'll have worked hard for it all - and luck will have had nothing to do with it.  So much better.  ^^
Video 2
EXO - CBX/ [Ka-CHING!]  MUSIC VIDEO -Short Ver.- (I've heard the long version, but it's a live version.  It's ok, but I love the video.  It's actually inspired two stories.  They're still in my head, but I'll write them eventually.  (I say that, but...  Bipolar Brain - Needz to Stay FO-Cooosed/Focused.  ;)  Haha.  I crack me up.


BONUS - Writing Tip 2
    Have you ever held back because you were afraid of what people would think (about something you wanted to write)?
EX:  I like to add a plathura of adorable weirdo's or just freaky freaks who scare the crap out of people for realz, because they want to skin you.
    Yeah, I go there, and worse.  I write what I'm inspired to write.  I used not to.  Sometimes I still hesitate, but I don't not do something.  I have learned that when you write something that's true to yourself, then your audience will find you.  They love it, because it's not like other people's stuff.
    It's something unique.  The thing they never knew they always wanted, and they fall in love with your style.  That is your (YOUR) style, your writers voice - your characters, your world, you crazy/unique/never before been done before way of writing and people will crave it.  Let what you have shine, and they'll thank you for it.  Literally.  I've had writers thank me for writing certain things, so I can attest to that.  It's been a shaky, scary, funny, bumpy, wibbly-wobbly, ploppy - you get the point - ride, and I wouldn't take it back for any thing.
    Be you, and the rest is history.  It'll take time.  You'll have to put yourself out there, get in the habit of doing what you should've done in the first place - to go there - and then it'll become habit.  A year from now, you won't recognize the now you, and you'll thank yourself for it.  Trust me.
    I've been there, done that.... I said that already.  (MY bad.)  *zips lips.  ;D
    Anywho - Enjoy.  I hope the music inspired you to write, and if you enjoyed the writing tips (Take The Poll).  Do you want more?  Taking the Poll encourages me to keep posting them.  ^_^  Commenting and telling me how I'm helping you will do even better.  :D
Until Tomorrow,
~ Demitria_Teague



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I love CBX <3 Horololo took me a couple of listens too.
I’m actually one of those people who rarely watch movies. They bore me to death. Thankfully, when I write, the story plays out like a told story. Like, not a movie what with so many effects and so many technical details but rather like ... when you were a kid and your mom/dad read you a bedtime story and everything was just so vivid! It makes the words flow because they’re right there. The more I paint a scenery in my mind, the harder I find it to write lmao. Then I need to find the correct words and that just blocks the crap out of me.

On your second tip, I’ll just say: research is king. Write whatever you want to write but research. Research research research and when you think you’re done, research some more. Plan and create. Loopholes are the worst kind of things and if reality isn’t what you want, plan and create another universe. Where there’s reason for literally everything.