Let's do 'dis #2! (Writers) + Quit being stuck in your writing by asking yourself this question.

As a way to keep myself on writing track, when I'm feeling inspired, I've started posting Blog Posts with a music video.  If you want to use it as a way to pump yourself to write - go 'head.  Plus, having a random writing session is never a bad thing, especially when you become inspired because of random music hitting that spot.

Writing Tip (Below Video)

Today or Night (depending on where you are)'s video is:

Quit being stuck in your writing by asking yourself this question - 
Just like real life, each decision has consequences.  No one is the same and each person makes decisions based on their individual personality.  Every thing they do affects someone else. 
How does their current decision affect someone around them?  Does this make their personal life more difficult or does it help them in some way? 
Now, write what happens next.

~ Demitria_Teague

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