A special thank you to my "Those sweet little white lies" subs!

You guys ♡ you really make me happy when you comment on this story that I began writing out of love for UNB and due to really needed sugar doses in my life (cos my reigns are drama, I always say that drama and romance is what I do best but mostly drama, now I am also trying dark fics but anyway) seriously.. every time I see a new sub I am so happy ;_; you have no idea-and I am even more happy when you comment because it lets me know your thoughts and impressions on it and that is so precious to me. 

I think this is my most active story comment wise (from the new ones posted this year) and I just am heart eyes because of your love. Seriously. Group hug I love you. 




Also let's be happy UNB got their first award so group hug 


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