Subscribe/Upvote/Silent reader/Plagiarism

I wante to let everyone know that:

1/I always Upvote  every story that I find in my way cuz my pleasure is to support other writers stories as I am one of them! (Upvotes are totally Free when you have reached at least the 25 Karma points)

2/When I like and want to read a story, I subscrib on it to support the writer + to add it to my list and read it later and (If I'm subscribed to your story then I'll read it for sure...)

3/After I subscribe and start read a story, I feel uncomfortable to continue it or simply doesn't fit my expectation or taste... I'll unsubscribe because as a writer myself: I dont give false hopes to the others AND I just can't tolerate, not the ones that would read it later, but the Subscribers that would Never read my story... which I call  "the fake readers" )

3/Also,  I'm not the "Silent Reader" Type and I'll never be one!!!!!

To Silent Readers: "I know that it hard sometimes to find the right words to express how we feel...but the least to do when you are reading a story is to comment it and give some feed back to the writer... Show him that you are here! (Your not obliged to comment EVERY CHAPTER  with EVERY DETAILS.... but as said my friend and writer that I respect undergroundmuses, who suffred from silent readers and plagiarism: "surely, there's SOMETHING you can comment on a chapter"   ((I invite to read her blog about this issue (Click Here) ))

In the end, I hope that I didn't said  anything that would have hurt or offended anyone! If it's the case then I apology!

Let us respect and support each other as writers,  as readers, as AFF's members and the most important as Human beings...

Thank you

"Yuri Uchiwa"



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