Future Fic and Updates for Current Stuff!

Okay soooo...I know not a lot of people read this but I wanted to post it anyways so people know:

I realise it seems like all I'm doing write now is literally writing and writing but it's because I've finished my Dissertation early so I've got a huge amount of spare time and writing is my Number 1 hobby. Sooooo, with that being said:

The next update for Babel will probably be delayed a couple days, as I'm currently in the process of writing another SeulRene/Red Velvet fic right now and I've decided to finish that one before I continue Babel. It's going to be an M-Rated fic with angst/drama/fluff/light (yes lmao, pretty much my first time ever writing it) and I thought I'd finish that first before I continue.

I promise updates coming soon tho!!

Also big thanks for all the amazing support for I Don't Know You... never ever thought I'd get 500 subscribers on it, let alone 1000! Love you guys and especially love all my regular readers (you know who you are haha) <3


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