Unnecessary vixx quiz (do you really know vixx)

Put your answers in the comments and I'll tell you if you're wrong or wrong.

Or right, but that's unlikely.

Let's start off easy.


1. Who is the leader?

2. Who is the maknae?

3. Who is the quietest member?

4. Who can't speak English for ?

Let's get harder....

5. Who was jealous of Leo bcs he wanted to be in a unit with Ravi?

6. Who was running around being annoying until Hyuk threw him?

7. Who is terrified of bugs?

8. Who LOVES little kids?

And even harder....

9. Who had a fishnet shirt in May of 2012?

10. Who proposed to Hyuk?

11. Who sang the highest note in the VIXX vs BTOB vs MyName high note battle?

12. Whose shirt flew up in the first chorus of Superhero in the MV?

13. Who messed up the On and On dance in the MV?

14. Who had the line 'My heart is still remembering?'

15. Who sang a 'musical version' of On and On?

16. Who failed at looking tough in Hyde?

17. Who closed the door when Leo was screaming?



Haha I can't wait to watch you fail (jk don't kill me please I'm too old to die)





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