which chansoo genre fic should I post ?

Hi everyone!

I would like to recommend some fics, which is a basically the finest collection of chansoo fics. I gathered so many fic titles, but I'm so confused on how to and what to start with. Should I start with Angst? or fluff? Please give me some ideas. I really wanna spread chansoo love to all the people <333


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Omo kindness of you 😍😍
You choose. Feel free to do whatever you like as long as your comfortable with it 😊
For me, ahm i think arrange it by alphabetical letters, or maybe post it randomly.
Why need to choose? Post it all randomly and collectively.
Do whatever you're comfortable with first!
I'd pick fluff, angst can come later cause sometimes you need to practice writing with fluff or the angst won't have an agnsty feeling..? That's just what I personally think but do whichever you can ^.^
Start with angst, maybe. X’D And then only move on to fluff!
Or, even better, just start off randomly, it’s not like recommending fics has to be set.